Tu B'Shvat is coming up and while it's not a major holiday, we can still find ways to celebrate!
Some people have the custom to make a Shehechiyanu on a new fruit. Other customs involve eating the seven minim from Israel, namely wheat, barley, olives, pomegranate, grapes, figs and dates.
Here are some other cute ideas to celebrate Tu B'Shvat!
Who doesn't love a ? Such a fun dessert activity. Slice up bananas, strawberries, pineapple and add in some pretzels, marshmallows or whatever your heart desires! Bring out the fountain for your home parties, like Chanukah or Purim. You might be surprised how often you use it!
These are too cute! Pour your desired dip in the , be it chocolate, white chocolate, or even cheese, and keep the tea light lit to warm the contents. Then dip your fruit away with the provided fondue forks. Fondue party!
Make your own at home for delicious snacks without all the added sugar. When dried, all flavors are concentrated so this makes for a great candy substitution!
This is adorable! You can pop in skewers in the provided holes, or flip it over and use it as a serving board. Make rainbow fruit kabobs!
Everyone gets a little board with these (commonly used to cook fish). Add in dried fruit, chocolate, cheese, crackers. Don't forget the seven species of fruit from Israel.
Oh so cute and low priced, too. Set your table and use these as placemats for a special Tu B'Shvat treat! Make silly fruit faces while you eat :)
This comes with everything you need to make your own indoor garden. Grow your own tea flavors like chamomile and peppermint. In a few weeks to months you'll have your own fresh herbal tea! It also makes for cute decor in the adorable garden box.
Get your kid's thumb a little green! This super cute gets grown inside a pizza dish! Grow almost everything you need to make a pizza, tomatoes, basil, oregano and peppers :) You provide the crust. You'll have home grown pizza in a few short weeks.
Have a little succulent party at home. Create a with the provided mosses, crystals and gems. The mini tools are a super cute addition to the kit and lets you relax while you garden in miniature.
Watermelon dripping down your hands and all over the place is all well and good for the outdoors in summer time. But when we're inside we like it somewhat contained! Enter these . Stick a watermelon or mango wedge on it and hand it over to your little ones for a mess-free treat!
These can be used for so many things! Decorate your table with them, use as a picture frame in an art project, or as a serving board. They're natural and cut from real tree, so go ahead and bring the outdoors inside :)
A yummy and adorable way to celebrate Tu B'Shvat! Make these for dessert. From the Molly Yeh blog.
You know, the fruit bouquets that people order for birthdays and anniversaries? Well now you can make your own! Bring out the cookie cutters, cut out some fruit and pop them on skewers for this pretty and edible centerpiece. Get the full tutorial .
For a delicious fruit snack, dip blueberries in yogurt and freeze them on trays. Once frozen, pop them in a cup or bag and enjoy!
Make your own Chocolate Bark discs! Simply melt chocolate, spread on a non-stick surface such as parchment paper, and top with your favorite topppings, like pomegranate seeds, perfect for Tu B'Shvat!
16. Have A Wine And Cheese Tasting
Adults can have fun, too! Pair bold wines with bold cheese, and light wines with lighter flavors. Say l'chaim and enjoy!
We're excited to go ahead and make some amazing memories with our families!